SolidHack is a public hackathon presented by the Solid Team and our amazing corporate sponsors. This years prize pool is US$15,000 thanks to two of our generous sponsors! The competition is free to enter. You have 6 weeks to build your project and stage it for our community to review. Winners will be selected by public vote. Join the Solid Discord #solidhack-2024 channel to ask questions and learn more.
Be sure to read the Rules & Regulations.
Solid has made its mark on the JavaScript ecosystem. It's a flourishing community and we want you to be a part of it. Hackathons aren't new to the open-source world, but we're looking to push the boundaries of what a hackathon can be and what open-source projects can do. More importantly, we want to give you an opportunity to give Solid a try. What better reason than to learn something new and possibly win prize money!